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About us | McMaster Health Campus Pharmacy

About us

Our Pharmacy

At McMaster Health Campus Pharmacy, we are dedicated to providing you with the best care and highest level of professional service. We are always willing to “go the extra mile” to support the special needs and requirements of our customers.It is our great honor and privilege to support our student and staff community.

Our mission is to provide the highest standard of pharmaceutical care to our patients and to collaborate with other health care providers to make sure that the needs of patients are not only met but exceeded.

The pharmacy is conveniently located in the David Braley Health Science Centre (same building as the Mcmaster Family practice) at

100 Main St West, Suite 1004A, Hamilton, Ontario L8P 1H6

(Corner of Main Street West and Bay Street South)

Our Team

From the moment you enter our pharmacy, you'll be greeted by helpful, friendly people whose goal is to provide the highest level of service and to delight you as a client. We're dedicated to exceeding standards, and constantly on the lookout for new and better ways to assist you and add value to the products and services we offer.
Samantha Thai Pharmacist

Samantha Thai - PharmD BSC

Samantha Thai – Pharmacist

Samantha is a graduate of the Doctor of Pharmacy program at the University of Waterloo. She has had experience in community pharmacies, hospitals and the national pharmacy advocacy organization.

Samantha is passionate about providing the best possible patient care through new initiatives and expanded scope. She is always willing to lend a helping hand and is a volunteer of several non-profit health care and community groups.

Haley Taylor – Pharmacy Assistant

Haley is currently enrolled in the Pharmacy Technician program at Mohawk College. She is avid about providing the best overall patient care. She is a diligent and motivated individual who is always willing to learn new skills.

Haley is always willing to embrace and engage with the profession and practice as a pharmacy team member who aims to positively contribute to the health of our community.

Haley Taylor - Pharmacy Assistant

Haley - Pharmacy Technician